Monday, 10 January 2011

Home Remedies for nasal congestion

Get rid of nasal allergies through these simple home remedies:

  • Boiling some chamomile and inhaling the fumes gives good relief from nasal congestion.
  • A well-balanced diet with lot of protein, vitamin B and C will help you strengthen your immune system.
  • Ginger and garlic are among the best immunity builder so add them in your daily diet.
  • Green tea with honey helps in curing the nasal allergy.
  • Vegetable juices made of spinach and cabbage taken on a daily basis for 10 days proves very beneficial for nasal congesiton.
  • A mixture of one tablespoon of honey and half teaspoon of limewater taken along with warm water early morning is a useful home remedy.
  • Black pepper is also one of the best home remedy for treating nasal congestion. Takng 3-4 baked black pepper seeds in the morning, or inhaling fumes by burning them on fire gives fast relief. This is one of the best home remedies for nasal congestion.


  1. Hello everyone!!
    Thanks for providing us information about home remedies for nasal congestion. This is very informative post and we will be highly benefited from this.

  2. I can't wait to try this. I have dealt with this all my life.

  3. Most people don't realize that nasal congestion is not caused from a build-up of flegm material (also known as something that rhymes with knot) but in truth nasal congestion is caused from the nasal membranes swelling up and blocking airflow. Most suffer from this as children but then grow out of it.


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All information on is not a substitute for professional medical advice. For specific medical advice and treatment, please consult your doctor. We will not be liable for any complications, or other medical accidents arising from the use of any information on this web site. After reading these remedies the responsibility lies on the readers, whether they further use these remedies or not. I have collected these remedies from different sources such as books (translated from tamil to english) and some of the remedies are given by my mother-in-law. Rekha Srinivasan