Monday 11 March 2013

Curry Leaves Benefits

Curry leaves benefit are innumerable.  It is one of the important ingredient in Indian cooking.  They not only increase the flavor in the food but also has got many health benefits.    The main benefit of curry leaves is, it stimulates the digestive enzymes and helps in digestion of food faster.  There are also other health benefits of curry leaves and the following home preparations with curry leaves will give relief from grey hair, nausea and stomach problems.

Grey Hair:   To prevent the graying of hair, heat some coconut oil, add some curry leaves to it. Remove the curry leaves when they turn black in color. Store this oil in a glass container and apply it before going to bed or at least 4-5 hours before a hair wash. This nourishes the hair roots and prevents pre-mature ageing of hair and also acts as a stimulant for hair growth.

Nausea: Pregnant women suffering from morning sickness can take curry leaves added in lemon juice.

Stomach problems: Add curry leaves powder to to get relief from stomach problems. Curry leaves mixed with ginger and water will reduce stomach disorders, dizziness and constipation.

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