Tuesday 4 November 2008

Skin Care Home Remedies for Teenagers

Skin care for Teenagers:

Teenagers are often worrying about their skin. It is always goo to start proper skin care at an early age to prevent marks and scars and overuse of cosmetics.
Make-up:Take care when choosing cosmetics. Ideally when living in a tropical climate, cosmetics like foundation, blush and moisturiser should be oil-free. Choose products that do not promote the formation of blemishes or cause blocked pores. Choose skin products best-suited for your skin type. Remove your make-up before you go to sleep. Throw away old makeup that smells or looks different from when you first bought it.
Leave acne alone:If you pick, squeeze or pinch blemishes, you risk developing acne scars. Dont rub or touch blemishes. Be gentle while cleaning. Hard scrubbing will only make your skin condition worse. Gently wash your skin with a mild cleanser in the morning, at bedtime and after heavy exercises. Avoid rough scrubs or pads. After you wash your skin, rinse it thoroughly.
Wash easy:Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne. Gently massage your face with circular motions. Dont scrub. Over-washing and scrubbing can cause skin to become irritated. After cleansing, use a prescribed medication for pimples which will keep the acne under control.

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All information on grannyhomeremdies.blogspot.com is not a substitute for professional medical advice. For specific medical advice and treatment, please consult your doctor. We will not be liable for any complications, or other medical accidents arising from the use of any information on this web site. After reading these remedies the responsibility lies on the readers, whether they further use these remedies or not. I have collected these remedies from different sources such as books (translated from tamil to english) and some of the remedies are given by my mother-in-law. Rekha Srinivasan